IMM Ghana

IMM Ghana

Ghana Medical Center

LEADER: Ron Cleveland


Video History of Ghana Medical Center:

12 because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him.

About the International Medical Mission – Ghana Medical Center Project is an outreach mission initiative founded by Ron Cleveland to support building a medical facility in West Africa to improve the structure of the health care system, major medical issues, physical facilities, preventative and treatment programs, gaps in service for hospitals, medical staff, outreach programs, HIV-related care, laboratory facilities, equipment and supplies, and oncology care.
The Ghana Medical Center is part of a larger initiative to provide expanded, more comprehensive support to the Nzema people. Delivery of health care services in the Nzema region, Western District, Ghana would be considered marginal at best. The higher cost of care at the private medical facilities precludes many individuals from accessing the relatively higher level of care provided by these institutions. Basic infrastructure issues, including reliable electrical power, potable water, clean facilities that are not exposed to the outdoor environment and adequate sanitation must also be addressed.
IMM Ghana

Service Opportunities – Ways to Bless, Volunteer and Support:

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Marketing Materials Preparation
  • Fundraising Event Planning and Administration
  • Equipment and Supply Donations
  • Grant Research, Writing, and Submission
  • Develop Scholarship Program for medical staff training
  • Develop Medical Staff Rotation Plan


  • Letters to encourage and support ministry team.
  • Prayer for wisdom and ability of volunteers and for those in need of medical services.


  • Donations to offset expenses for medical center building project, medical supplies and equipment.

To volunteer: contact Ron Cleveland
(440)-223-7681, Email: [email protected]